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It’s time to announce the winners of our awesome NonBooby Bonding Time giveaway!!!

First, a HUGE thanks to our amazing sponsors, without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible:

Sweet Knee Skincare for Baby and ERGObaby carriers generously donated $500 each to the Mother of All Causes and donated the products for the three prize packs!

The prize packs each include a Sweet Knee Petite Baby Bag and an ERGObaby sport carrier: everything Dad needs to be the Bath-Man and Babywearing-Man!

We got some amazing, moving, and incredibly sweet responses to our original blog post.  We wanted to share a few of our favorites:

Both my wife and I knew that breast feeding our baby was the best choice for him. I did my best to help during those first few weeks while they were getting their groove down. I was there to help listen to the lactation consultant at the hospital and did my best to help remind and readjust, bring pillows and water.  They have now been successful for over 10 months and still going. ~Nate

I have taken over care of our older children (ages 2 & 4) so my wife, who’s struggled with low-supply in the past, can focus on the demands of round-the-clock nursing of our newborn & building her supply. I wake up with them, make breakfast, get them dressed & off to camp. I make dinner, do bath, pj,s, read bedtime stories, sing lullabyes & tuck them in! And when she needs a break from the baby? I’m more than happy to jump right in and cuddle the baby, too! I’m also her “water boy” – I make sure she is eating & staying well-hydrated throughout the day because she has a tendancy to forget to eat & drink! ~Joel

I love wearing my 8 month old son around the house when we are doing house chores, or at the park, or on the way to the store, or for special starbucks runs to give his mommy time to sleep or at least have some peace and quiet. ~Albert

Around here we have “Dad and Baby Hour” every morning. I get up with our 10 month old son everyday to play and eat breakfast. My wife gets to sleep in and enjoy having the bed to herself. I wake her when it is time to get ready to work. I love my alone time with my baby and my wife loves that little bit of extra sleep. ~Matthew

Pretty great, huh? =)

Ok, here are the winners!

-Andrew Speer

-Keith Cotton

-Matthew (no last name given)

Winners have been emailed.  Congrats, Dads!