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We have had a vision for a long time of seeing the breastfeeding discussed in a meaningful way on Oprah.   Not sensationalized, “ewww breastmilk cheese” or “kooky mother is still breastfeeding her 8-year old” topics as we have often seen in the media that only serve to make breastfeeding more fringe when we are trying to make it mainstream.  Not “benefits of breastfeeding” that will just further polarize moms without addressing the real problem- the “Booby Traps“- the barriers that keep moms from achieving their personal breastfeeding goals. 

Cue all the seasoned PR folks to roll their eyes at the bajillions of people who have wanted to be on Oprah; naive do-gooders and entrepreneurs who see it as a magic bullet to convey their message or sell their product.   PR folks know just how nightmarishly difficult it is to get on to Oprah, and that companies pay big bucks to make it happen.   That’s okay, we know that too, and we are getting guidance on just how to bring it about, but to be realistic, it will probably take us a while.

Vote for Shari Criso's OWN Show on Oprah!

Which is why we were so excited to hear that one of our trusted experts, Shari Criso, RN, CNM, IBCLC has submitted an entry for “Your Own Show:  Oprah’s Search for the Next TV Star.“   Some of you know Shari from #bfcafe on Twitter, where she has dispensed terrific tips and answered tricky breastfeeding questions.  Some of you know her from her awesome full-breastfeeding-class-on-DVD and CD set, which we endorse because not enough parents are getting quality, WHO-Code compliant breastfeeding education.   Some of you lucky ones have been her clients in her store or received private lactation counseling from her.  We know Shari as all of these and more: she’s a powerful advocate for ALL parents, and is a key influencer (she is the new breastfeeding expert for Babies R US) who is helping us to give breastfeeding a makeover and raise awareness of  and beat the “booby traps”.  

Shari Criso has all the key ingredients to have a shot at winning the Oprah contest; a hot and important topic, a polished camera presence, a compelling message that can help moms, babies and the planet, and a loyal following.    We are excited about the possibility of having a breastfeeding advocate take center stage on Oprah and raise the visibility of this issue in a meaningful way, so we are asking all of our friends and followers to please join us in voting for Shari!   It only takes a few seconds . . . you can vote as often as you want and please leave a comment too so the producers of Oprah can see the impact she can have. 

Thank you, and stay tuned . . .