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We are pleased to announce the winner of the Giveaway:   Can this Book Change Our Culture!   We were thrilled by the enthusiastic response to the contest which featured the book Breastfeeding with Comfort & Joy, by Laura Keegan, R.N., F.N.P. a nurse practitioner who has dedicated 20 years to helping mothers succeed with breastfeeding.

The winner is Cheryl Marian, who wrote:

Wow, reading your description and going to Laura’s website has sold me. I am a lactation consultant, volunteer at our local pregnancy center and give 2 hour breastfeeding classes for low income and other mothers who wish to attend. This book would be a wonderful resource to show in class and read excerpts to validate many of the points I teach.  I would also, have the book available for lending on and off site for all mothers to read and to look at the real moms actually breastfeeding and loving their newborn/s and showing how involved fathers are also, even though baby is Breastfeeding. Thank you!

Congratulations Cheryl!    (We have notified Cheryl that she is the winner, if we do not hear from her we will choose a runner-up.)

HURRAY:   A Special, Limited Time Discount for You . . . And a Fundraiser for Best for Babes!

Because it was so difficult to choose the winner from dozens of wonderful comments, we asked Laura if she would be willing to offer a discount  to anyone who wants to purchase the book, and she happily agreed!   Not only that, but Laura offered to donate an additional $3 herself to the Best for Babes Foundation, to further our mission of  Giving Breastfeeding a Makeover and Beating the Booby Traps so that moms can achieve their personal breastfeeding goals!    Thank you Laura!   To take advantage of this special, limited time offer:

Go to http://www.TheBreastfeedingBook.com and enter     babes7 all lower case and no spaces in the Customer Code box on the left of the shopping cart page when ordering .   You will receive $7 off  (a 20% discount off the retail price of $35)  of every book you  purchase.  Best for Babes will receive a donation of $3  from the author, Laura Keegan, for every book sold. Offer is good until 11/12/09, so act now!

This book makes the perfect gift for moms-to-be and is a great choice for the upcoming holidays!

Here are 3 ways you can help moms and babies by helping Best for Babes raise money for our cause:

1. BUY a book for yourself or a friend, for your local La Leche League Chapter, or your breastfeeding support group.

2. EMAIL friends and family about this offer by linking to this post.   Put it on your shower, birthday or holiday wish list!

3. POST a link to this blog post on your Facebook page and tweet this linkhttp://bit.ly/3Q21zq on Twitter.

Thank you in advance for helping us spread the word and raise funds for this important cause, so that all parents can make an informed feeding choice without pressure, judgment or guilt and so they can achieve their goals and feel good about it!   We think this is a wonderful book and leave you with these closing reviews:

“Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy is magnificent. It’s like having a wise and loving grandmother show you exactly how to nurse your baby.”— Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“I have worked with Laura Keegan for nearly 20 years.  Since her consultations with breastfeeding families are necessarily private, I never knew the secret(s) that made her patients so fiercely loyal and grateful.  Well, here they are.  Using beautiful images and clear, simple, accurate descriptions, Laura has created a manual of wisdom and celebration that should be read by anyone who is, has, or is going to breastfeed an infant.” —Larry Baskind, MD, FAAP

For actress Kelly Rutherford’s review of the book, click here.