What is Team BFB?

Team Best for Babes is an opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to run, walk, ride, stroll, tri – whatever you are into at any level– to raise awareness of and help beat the Breastfeeding Booby Traps™! -the societal barriers that prevent millions of moms each year who want to breastfeed from making it past the first few days and weeks and from reaping the incomparably enriching, physical, emotional and life-long health benefits of breastfeeding for themselves and their babies.  Team BFB is an opportunity to stand up for those moms who unnecessarily struggled, suffered or gave up long before they intended too, full of guilt and self-blame and regret, and it was not their fault! Breastfeeding, like exercise, is one of the most highly-preventive and cost-effective behaviors to protect against almost every health epidemic faced by babies and adults — obesity, diabetes, childhood cancers, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoperosis, post-partum depression, and heart disease just to name a few!  This is a Cause worth us all getting behind!  We are building volunteer Teams across the USA to help fund Best for Babes(R) programs to keep the full-court press on booby traps like poor care and advice from hospitals and practitioners, misinformation and negativity in the media, and missing peer and intergenerational support. By doing so, we are putting more miles on the front-end of prevention to shore up the back-end of the cure! Game on Booby Traps – GAME ON!!!!!! For more on the groundbreaking work Best for Babes does to serve moms and babies, click here.

What type of commitment is required to join Team BfB?

Team members must support the mission and credo of Best for Babes Foundation —  after all, you will be raising money for us!   For most races, Team members commit to raising a minimum of $350 per race in tax-deductible donations to Best for Babes. There are two exceptions: (1) If we are also paying the registration fee for a specific race, we will require those funds be paid in advance of the race and in addition to the fundraising minimum; (2) If the Team is focused on a major marathon, the fundraising goal may be higher.  

How do I  join Team BfB?

You can either join an existing team - for a list click here - or start your own, by registering on our website.  You will then have your own customized fundraising page to share your passion, goals and journey with friends and family members!

What if I wish to start my own Team?

If you don’t see a Team in your area,  you can register a new team or register yourself as an individual team (a team of one) by clicking here. By starting your own team you are automatically the Team Leader.

What is the role of the Team Leader and what are their responsibilities?

Before you are permitted to register a new team, you will be asked to review and accept the Team Leader responsibilities.  Click here to view.

Are donations on my customized page secure?


What will team members receive?

In addition to the satisfaction that comes from knowing you are helping Best for Babes to change the world, Team members will receive our fabulous The Miracle Isn’t the Bra — it’s Mommas and the Miracle Milk they make, donate use or appreciate! -racing shirt. Babes who raise over double the minimum fundraising commitment will also receive our gorgeous Miracle Milk Bracelet (http://www.bestforbabes.org/the-miracle-milk-bracelet) to wear proudly in honor of your achievement.

What if I don’t raise the prescribed minimum?

In the case of most regular Teams, i.e., those not tied to major marathons like our Team  BFB at the Marine Corps Marathon, you will not be held accountable for any shortfall.  However, if you don’t raise the required minimum funds you will not receive as a gift the awesome Team Best for Babes Racing Shirt that proclaims the Miracle is Not the Bra- it’s Mommas!  and will make you feel like you could leap tall buildings in a single bound.  You will have the option to purchase the shirt, however, for $40.

Do you have any sample language and tips for fundraising?

1. Personalize your story on your profile page and in emails about why the mission of Best for Babes of helping moms and babies to beat the breastfeeding booby traps(R) is important to you!  Were you and your baby or a mom and baby you know booby-trapped?  What was the consequence of being undermined?

2. State your Call to Action: Ex:  “I am running with Team BFB because I don’t want to see more mothers go through what I went through trying to breastfeed.”  Your story is set in the bigger picture of millions of moms each year who set out to breastfeed, and who have an unnecessarily difficult experience, most of whom give up before they reach their goals and are robbed of an incomparable enriching experience and of the lifelong health benefits for them and their families and IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT.  Team BFB is an opportunity to stand up for your own, or another mom’s and baby’s right to have good care, advice and 360 degree support for breastfeeding - the foundation of human health.  If this is an email, make sure you put in the link to your profile page @ http://teambfb.bestforbabes.org/2012/[your name]

2. Share your fundraising and training goals: Sharing how you’re faring keeps people close to you and engaged.  Ex: “This is my first race since I had my baby six months ago and it’s my get-back-in-shape and give back debut! By cheering for me, you’re cheering on all moms and babies!  My goal is to follow a three-month training program which will have me running my first 20 miler by September! My fundraising goal is also to raise $1000 to help bring down the barriers to breastfeeding that prevent so many moms from succeeding.”

3. Post status updates on Social Media -Facebook and Twitter,  to let people know how you’re doing.  And be sure to add your personal page URL at http://teambfb.bestforbabes.org/2012[your name] for donating!

3. Consider jump starting giving by making a $50 donation to yourself on your personal page!

For more information about Team BfB, contact us @ team@bestforbabes.org