Beating the Booby Traps® that prevent moms from
achieving their personal breastfeeding goals

Poster: “Life-Saving Devices”

Get your reproduction of the second in our series of advertisements designed to help give breastfeeding a makeover and beat the breastfeeding Booby Traps!  Scroll down to place this item in your shopping cart.  (If you are a WIC office or other agency and ARE NOT PERMITTED to order online, please send an email with requesting an invoice to [email protected].  Your email should include the number of sets you are requesting, your office name, address and telephone number, and to whose attention the posters are to be sent.  We will email you an invoice and disburse the posters upon receipt of your payment. )

Copy at the bottom of poster reads: “Every day and in emergencies, breastfeeding saves lives. Planning on nursing? The right crew can make for smoother sailing. Get a support group. Get expert lactation help. Make sure your hospital, pediatrician, employer and insurer are doing their part to help you succeed. We’ll show you how at”

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