Breastfeeding Moms Head to Washington DC for Great Nurse-In

by admin | June 9, 2012 1:50 am

The Great Nurse-In will be held on August 4, 2012, 9:00am-4:00pm, on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol.  It will feature events and activities that support and empower current and future nursing mothers, and that educate and engage non-nursing community members.

Head out a day before the event for an “action day” on Friday, August 3, 2012, where GreatNurse-In attendees will contact their Congressional delegates to encourage support of stronger breastfeeding laws and policies that include enforcement provisions.  While there are laws allowing public breastfeeding, the majority of those laws are unenforceable and many are restrictive.  Additionally, without public awareness and education of these laws, the nursing mother continually has to defend her right to breastfeed in public and to pump in the workplace.

TheGreat Nurse-In has garnered national media attention, including coverage in the Washington Post and the Huffington Post. They expect upwards of 1,000 attendees from across the United States.

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